I have chosen this time G.Edward Griffin because of 3 reasons. First being a great person with a lot of knowledge who didn't sell out! Second of course this topic now being significantly urgent and important! Third that he is going to release a very important video about this topic soon! So there you go reasons enough to put him now before the others who are still on my list to research. In my opinion most famous because of his book The Creature from Jekyll Island as I must amid still have to read it...('' Time is of the essence dear Watson !')
In the hope that Edward will take a look at my BLOG I am sending him my greetings from this little island and of course saluting him for his courage and wisdom that he has spread around the globe ! Also that he can see that we are doing our part here in spreading the news of what is really going on. ( BLOG & site IBIZACHEMTRAILS )
G. Edward Griffin,
is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations. His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master .
Personal pages.
RED PILL project
Interview with radio-host Alex Jones
What In The World Are They Spraying is an investigation into all aspects of the phenomenon of chemtrails. Over the past decade and more, long white trails emanating from jet planes have been seen lingering in the skies all over the planet, often expanding and merging to form vast swathes of artificial cloud cover.
Trailer about his upcoming film.
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