George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated program, Coast to Coast AM. Heard by millions of listeners, Coast To Coast AM airs on approximately 525 stations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Guam. While hosting The Nighthawk, a wildly successful, late-night program on KTRS in St. Louis, Noory was recruited by Premiere Radio Networks to guest host on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell. He became the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program on January 1, 2003, following Bell’s retirement. Since then, Noory’s audience has continued to grow.
This post is mostly for Europeans as I am sure there is almost no American who doesn't knows George or Art for that matter. So for the rest of you out there I can only say tune in to his program that is if you understand English of course ! I will astonish you any way you look at it. The range of subjects they touch are so divers and many times ''out of this world'' but never the less with many times testimonies of REAL people. I try to tune in true shout cast so the programs are with a delay but that really does not matter as the guests and the subjects are so interesting!
You can easily sign up for free at coast to coast.
At shoutcast (winamp) just typ in ''coast to coast'' and a few will pop up including old shows from Art Bell who are sure worthwhile listening to certainly on a dark and lonely night...LOL...select this (Funklbaldy 51) [SHOUTcast.com]
Here you can find their bios.
A personal simple analogy or better call it a metaphor *...
'' We all are Eagles, hypnotized in believing that we are chickens ! ''
PS. Hoping one day sending George a station call I made to play it on his show.
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