A link to reportage of John Ronson to a few but very successful shows.
Some personal info.
more on Google Video
Thank you for viewing. I'll be posting here my most resent important finding or updates from my original website www.mymindwist.com ! The reason for passing on this info is because I strongly believe in "GLOBAL COLLECTIVE CONCISENESS" that is urgently needed! Don't believe me, see the information, do your own research and judge for yourself ! Let me emphasize that the importance of this blog is more about "having knowledge of the information" then believing all what is being claimed !
Hello, Gery, i'm an spanish journalist writing on the same issues as you. Take a look to my website: www.rafapal.com and the interviews they made me in www.boiramisterio.com about "Operacion Gladio" and MK Ultra. I believe you'll like it!
Thanks Rafa for responding,
this way I know someone is actually reading my stuff , I will take a look. Just received this perhaps you know it already if not its all in Spanish....take care...and thanks again.
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