Well who was John Birch? Like many of the noble souls associated with America's founding, John Morrison Birch was a man rooted in principles that transcend politics. In a "prose poem" written at age 26, John Birch gave voice to his Jefferson-esque longing to "live slowly, to relax with my family before a glowing fireplace ... to enjoy a good book ... to reach the sunset of my life sound in body and mind, flanked by strong sons and grandsons...read more on the next link. John Birch Society
This was the link I found on the You tube video that in my opinion is a MUST SEE certainly in this difficult times we face and more in particular the Americans! If you want to understand a bit in a simple way what kind of systems are used for ruling this planet then this is the video to see! (30min)
Well written article.
Thank you,
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