(My intention was to put Sandy Shore next from smoothjazz.com to put for a change some normal person with a normal job so that's for next week because I still do not have a decent photo.)
Now back to the issue here, as my last post was about 9/11 I might ass well carry on a bit more with the next one or let's say next invitee to this Blog! For those who still have doubts about conspiracy theories his video, pages and radio program will sure change your convince you with plain clear solid proof!
Dave VonKleist which I discovered only a few weeks ago although he has been busy for a while as you will find out in the links. I think this wrap's it up for me in terms of 9/11 stories. The most astounding thing in my opinion is still how these "guys" still after all this time and proof the get away with it? I am beginning to believe more and more what Alex Collier told us in on of his interviews, "The truth now is an obscure thing! The lie is the norm!" (see Alex Collier)
Here is a bit more about David.
Dave VonKleist has spent his career in the broadcast industry as a professional TV/radio announcer and as a professional vocalist for commercials. Voted “Best Show” and “Best Directed” show in the Laurel Cable Awards, 1984.
He and his wife Joyce Riley vonKleist presently co-host “The Power Hour”, a radio talk show, and devote most of their time to obtaining assistance for sick Gulf War veterans through the American Gulf War Veterans Association in Versailles, Missouri.
His latest work amazing proof
Amazing lecture that simply explains it all in simple facts!
The entire film -9/11 IN PLAIN SITE-.
His radio page thepowerhour.
The Flash Stupid - By Dave vonKleist
Debunking the Debunkers
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